government of altai republic


Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in International conference “The peoples of Eurasia: History. Culture. Languages”, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Budgetary Research Institution of the Altay Republic “S.S. Surazakov Scientific-Research Institute of Altaistics” and to 200th anniversary from the birth of writer and educator of Altai Mikhail Vasilievich Chevalkov.

Conference date: from 10-14 July, 20176.
Conference place: Gorno-Altaisk.

Thematic directions of the conference:
1. History and archeology of the peoples of Eurasia;
2. Traditional and modern ethnic culture of the peoples of Eurasia;
3. Status and prospects for the development of the languages of the peoples of Eurasia;
4. Actual problems of literature and folklore of the peoples of Eurasia;
5. Music and education in the culture of the peoples of Eurasia.

In the conference is planned:

Symposium ”The Legacy of M.V. Chevalkov in the Context of Modern Humanitarian Studies”, dedicated to the 200th anniversary from the birth of the Altai writer and educator Mikhail Vasilievich Chevalkov.
Suggested topics for discussion at the symposium:
- M.V. Chevalkov – the founder of the Altai literature;
- M.V. Chevalkov and the first collectors of folklore and ethnographic materials on Altai;
- M.V. Chevalkov's contribution to the development of the Altai language;
- Educational activity of M.V. Chevalkov.

Symposium “Creativity of N.K. Yalatov and actual problems of Altai folklore studies”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary from the birth of the people's narrator, connoisseur of oral folk art of Altaians Nikolai Kоkurovich Yalatov.
Suggested topics for discussion at the symposium:
- The contribution of N.K. Yalatov to the development of oral folk art of the Altaians;
- Carriers of folklore tradition today;
- Modern narrative art of the Altaians;
- Oral folk art of the Altaians: the linguistic aspect.

Procedure for registration of participation in the conference:
Russian and foreign researchers are invited to participate in the conference. Travel expenses are paid by the sending organization.
The deadline for submitting an application and the text of the report (article) is May 19, 2017.
Articles are accepted in Russian, Altaic and English.
The application and the text of the article (separate files, indicating the name) should be sent to the E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
The materials are planned to be published by the beginning of the conference with the assignment of the international standard ISBN index. The conference materials collection will be placed in the RINTS database, for this, the author's agreement is concluded between the publisher and the author / authors on the terms specified in the author's contract-offer.

Requirements for the materials design:

The text of the report should be issued in the form of a scientific paper (up to 10 p.). Parameters for text editing – Microsoft Word (doc), font – Times New Roman, type size – 12 pt; field: top and bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1,5 cm; without division; line spacing – 1,5; text justification – in width; paragraph indent 1,25.
Title design:
1st line – full name, 12 size, bold, right alignment;
2nd line – report title, 12 size, capital, center alignment;
3rd line – empty;
4th line - abstract, key words (in Russian and English) – from 250 to 500 characters with spaces.
References in the text are made in square brackets with the source number and the quoted page, for example: [1, p. 109]. The list of references is given in alphabetical order.
Special fonts used in the text are sent together with the article as a separate file.
Do not use automatic footnotes for a list of used sources and literature (only allowed for notes on the text).
Assignment of the UDC index is mandatory. UDC can be found at
The presence of a copyright sign © with the indication of the author (authors) and the year at the end of the article is mandatory.
In the electronic version, the article should be presented in a separate file.
Submitted material must be carefully verified and edited.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject materials that do not correspond to the specified subject, requirements for registration and sent after the specified deadline.

A sample of an article:
UDK 398
Z.S. Kazagacheva

Key words  (in Russian)
Key words  (in English)

Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.


  1. Ai-Sologoy lo Kün-Sologoy: Altai heroic legends. Comp. K.E. Ukachina. – Gorno-Altaisk: Gorno-Altaisk Department of the Altai Book Publishers, 1989. – 352 p.
  2. Surazakov S.S. The heroic legend about the hero Altai-Buuchai: Research and texts / GANIIYAL. - Gorno-Altaisk, 1962. – 177 p.
  3. Ochy-Bala. [Electronic resource] (circulation date 09.01.2017).

© Z.S. Kazagacheva, 2016

Conference Program:

10 July – Arrival of participants and guests of the conference.
- Presentation of Chevalkov's book “The Life of Chevalkov” in the National Library.
- Virtual exhibition dedicated to M. V. Chevalkov, in the M.V. Chevalkov National Library.
11 July – Plenary session and work of symposiums:
- “M.V. Chevalkov's Legacy in the Context of Modern Humanitarian Studies”;
- “ N.K. Yalatov’s Creativity and the current problems of Altai folklore”.
12 July –  functioning of the conference.
13 July – Round table "Traditional culture and its revival in the XX-XXI centuries."
14 July – Departure of participants and guests of the conference.

The registration fee: 1000 rubles, for Post-graduates – 500 rubles. Contributions will be paid at the registration, the day of the conference opening.
For all matters relating to the conference, please contact the Organizing Committee.
E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.; Tel. fax: + 7 (38822)25304.
Information about the conference will be available on S.S. Surazakov Scientific-Research Institute of Altaistics site:
Postal address: Sotsialisticheskaya, 6 Str., Gorno-Altaisk, Altai Republic, Russian Federation, 649000.
Conference Coordinators: Natalya Olegovna Tadysheva, deputy director of S.S. Surazakov Scientific-Research Institute of Altaistics. Mob.: +79139920749
Enchinov Erkin Valerievich, head of the research group of ethnography of the S.S. Surazakov Scientific-Research Institute of Altaistics. Mob.: +79136996343.
Executive Secretary: Dilekova Suraya Dmitrievna, research associate of the research group of ethnography of the S.S. Surazakov Scientific-Research Institute of Altaistics. Mob.: +79139983717.

Information for foreign participants of the Conference
To issue an official invitation, it is necessary to send not later than May 19, 2017 by
E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. (to the address of the Organizing Committee):

  1. Scanned copy of the first broadside of the passport (photo, format * jpg);
  2. The following information: 1) the place of work, return address; 2) work status; 3) duration of stay in the Russian Federation; 4) the place of visa granting.
of the Participant 

International conference “The peoples of Eurasia: History. Culture. Languages”, devoted to the 65th anniversary of the Budgetary Research Institution of the Altay Republic «S.S. Surazakov Scientific-Research Institute of Altaistics» and to the 200th anniversary from the birth of writer and educator of Altai Mikhail Vasilyevich Chevalkov

Full name:
Academic degree, academic rank:
Work status, place of work (full and abbreviated name):
Paper title:
Postal address, postal code:
Passport data (for hotel booking): series, number, issued (by whom and when)
Form of participation: full-time / correspondence